I am excited to serve the Antioch Community and eager to lead the best high school in Metro Nashville Public Schools. Antioch High is a school Where Excellence Meets Opportunity.
We are an Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) and International Baccalaureate (IB) World School. Antioch High School is home to an award-winning Freshman Academy and four National Career Academy Coalition Accredited Model Academies where students receive experiential learning opportunities such as industry field trips, job shadows, and internships provided by our phenomenal business partners.
At Antioch High, our scholars have the opportunity to receive Early Post-Secondary Opportunities such as Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, Dual Credit, and Industry Certifications.
This year, we partnered with the National Education Equity Lab to offer our scholars the opportunity to take a dual credit course with Stanford University. Our dynamic Arts program encompasses Marching Band, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Instrumental Tech, and Theater. In addition, we have an athletic program that develops our student-athletes to be leaders in sports and life. The possibilities at Antioch High are unmatched and beyond one’s imagination for preparing our students to be college and career ready.
Our strength lies in the diversity of our students, faculty, and staff. We have approximately 2200 students, speaking over 41 different languages, and 200 faculty and staff members dedicated to ensuring Every Student is Known and committed to Being Engaging And Responsive to Students.
Antioch High has an intentional, unparalleled, data-informed instructional focus on student engagement. Our goal is to increase student engagement using WICOR as our instructional framework and AVID strategies to impact student outcomes. In addition, we will support our scholars with learning to manage their emotions by increasing their awareness with the core competencies of social and emotional learning. It is the expectation that our scholars’ experiences are grounded in Excellence and Opportunity.