Last updated 04/17/2023
Welcome Class of 2023 Seniors
This is your page for necessary information for your Senior Year.
Important 2022-2023 Dates
- Senior Final Exams May 8-11th
- Senior Week: May 8 – 12th
- Monday: Senior Sunrise
- Tuesday: Parking Spot Decoration
- Wednesday: Cap/Mortarboard Decorating
- Thursday: Field Day
- Friday: Senior Breakfast & Parade
- Junior / Senior Prom: May 13 from 7-10pm at Opryland Hotel
- TN Promise Community Service Deadline: July 5th
Senior Dues
- Senior Dues for the class of 2023 are $100, due by April 28th
- They can be paid
- Online:
- In person in Room D107
Links You Need!
Helpful Resources
- Diploma Types & Requirements for Distinction
- AHS Graduation Advisor: Mr. Taylor Goins
- MNPS Graduation Requirements:
- English: 4 credits
- Math: 4 credits
- Science: 3 credits
- Social Studies: 3 credits
- World Language: 2 credits
- Personal Finance: 0.5 credits
- Lifetime Wellness and Physical Education: 1.5 credits
- Fine Arts: 1 credit
- Elective Focus/Career Path: 3 credits
- Additional Electives: 6 credits
- Testing Requirements: ACT & Civics Exam (must earn 70% or higher)
Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal
- Date: Friday, May 19th
- Time: 10am-12pm
- Location: Municipal Auditorium (417 4th Ave N. Nashville, TN 37210)
- Students can drive & park there or buses will be provided from AHS
- Graduation
- Date: Saturday, May 20th 2pm
- Time: Students should arrive at 12:30pm
- Location: Municipal Auditorium (417 4th Ave N. Nashville, TN 37210)
- Each student will receive 10 tickets for the graduation ceremony
- Information about Livestreaming will be added at a later date.
- Caps and gowns with tassels worn on the left side
- ONLY BLACK SHOES will be acceptable.
- Dark colored pants (black or navy)
- White dress shirt
- Tie (brown, black, blue, gray, white or a mixture of Antioch High School colors)
- Solid color dress that does not extend more than two inches past the bottom of the graduation gown.
- If your nationality or religion requires a longer dress, please check with Ms. Zellars for approval.