2022 Summer Opportunities
Credit Recovery
Summer School will begin on June 2 and end on June 30. At Antioch High School, students will have the opportunity to make-up credits needed in order to graduate. The hours for teachers are 6:45-7:15.
Promising Scholars
Antioch High School is a site for Promising Scholars. Promising Scholars will once again be "accelerating the learning progress of our students, whether they are working to close achievement gaps or just enjoy learning and want to be with friends in the classroom for a little while longer." (Dr. Adrienne Battle)
Visit our Promising Scholars SharePoint page to learn more about our summer programming and find the work opportunities that are the right fit for you.
Summer Day Camp by MNPD
Have younger kids? Metro Nashville Police Department is putting on a camp for current 3rd and 4th graders this summer. There will be 4 camps during the month of July. Each camp will be one week long, with the exception of the week of the 4th of July (that camp will be 4 days long). You would be required to drop your child off at Meigs MS in the morning and pick your child up at the conclusion of the days activities. We will spend one day on site at Meigs and the other 4 days we will be going to the Nashville Zoo, Urban Air, Adventure Science Center, and Wave Country. The camp is completely free of charge. You will not be required to pay anything. Food will be provided, as will transportation to the aforementioned places. If you have a child (or a grandchild) that is currently in 3rd or 4th grade and you want your child to participate, just let me know. I’m in room F-111. Thanks 😊