Prom 2021

A Night Under The Stars: Prom 2021
Posted on 05/05/2021
Prom Flyer

Prom will be held at Antioch High school on May 15 from 6-9 pm outside under tents. 

  • There will be a DJ, dancing, food and photo booths.

  • Dress is formal or semi-formal.  

  • Tickets are on sale until May 13.  After that, no one will be able to purchase a ticket; you must have a ticket to attend prom. 

  • Tickets are $25 each

  • Tickets can only be purchased online:

  • In the description box, type the full names of all attendees for whom you are buying tickets. Example: if you purchase two tickets, put $50.00 in the "price" box & type the names of both attendees in the description box. 

  • Only Junior/Senior Antioch students may purchase tickets

  • You must show ID to enter the prom

  • AHS Prom Guest Permission Form - If you are bringing a date that is not an Antioch student, you must submit this form for approval. 

  • Health Safety: all attendees must wear a mask; before entry, everyone must have their temperature checked (must be under 100.4) and pass the COVID screening questions. 

  • If you're interested in running for prom King or Queen, please fill out this form:
